Multigenerational Strategic Leadership

By Brittany Galli

Why do we consistently wonder why we aren’t farther ahead in our profession or respected like we want to be? The 5 essential traits of great leaders reflect personal attributes, not roles inherent to the position. We sometimes forget how these foundational steps are the things that can either earn us the next promotion or lose us the job.

Grow Your EQ and Connections: Make authentic, valuable, strategic connections and foster them. Manners in the workplace should not be forgotten. Have you said thank you to every person on your team this week for something they’ve done, something they’ve delivered or for the way they acted in a situation?

Use Your Resources: On LinkedIn, always send a note with any connection you make. Something as simple as “Great connecting with you- let me know if I can ever help you” or “Great hearing your thoughts today on ESRM – have a great week ahead.” can help you in the future more than you know.

Be the Mentor You Would Want: Mentors get the most workplace kudos. People in the workplace will talk about you in one light or another – it’s your responsibility to make them say things like “He’s a great mentor,” or “She really helped me when I couldn’t figure out how to deal with this person.”

Self-Promotion: How do you promote yourself? Do you hang 5k T-shirts in your office or desk? Do people even know you outside of work? Do they know that you give away 100 lbs. of canned goods to families during the month? Or help with a foster agency in your spare time? Promote yourself in all facets of life and what keeps you going – people want to connect with people and they need topics to do so.

Millennials are Starving for Wisdom – Use Them! It’s now a widely found statistic that members of older generations who are receiving promotions are the ones that leverage younger generations to learn how to get ahead. Learn from millennials in your life – harness them for a 1 hour per week meeting to learn something you don’t know – Excel, Instagram or how to share photos on your phone via airdrop. Then – reward them for it. Offer your own knowledge of a leadership craft or strategy they haven’t experienced yet.

Join us Tuesday, September 25th at 11 am to learn more about these topics and Multigenerational Strategic Leadership Guidance: How to be Seen, with a strategic roadmap presented by Maria Dominguez, CPP – SVP, Bank of America and Brittany Galli – Chief Success Officer, Mobotour.