Building Great Teams: Leveraging DE&I to Empower Organizational Competitive Advantage 

In anticipation of GSX, we sat down with presenters of upcoming sessions in order to get a better understanding of the topics at hand. This week we are featuring, “Leveraging DE&I to Empower Organizational Competitive Advantage,” presented by Robert Baggett, CPP,PSP,PCI, Special Agent-in-Charge, Investigations Liaison and Special Operations Division at USDA Office of Inspector General. Read on for what he had to say and don’t forget to register for GSX 2022

Q: Tell us about your presentation and why should security professionals have this topic on their radar? 

A: The ASIS GSX 2022 presentation entitled “Building Great Teams: Leveraging DE&I to Empower Organizational Competitive Advantage” builds upon the seminal article on this topic, which was published in the May 2022 edition of Security Management.  Security and law enforcement professionals, as well as administrators, should truly have this pivotal topic on their radars as the second and third order effects of globalization continue to change the operational environment for public safety and security organizations.  In order to capture a true global competitive advantage, organizations must strive to build great teams using a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) lens in support of its enterprise personnel actions, i.e., recruitment, hiring, and professional development opportunities.  By bolstering organizational teams through the DE&I framework, these entities can increase a work unit’s level of strategic thinking to better holistically analyze issues due to the team’s increased frames of reference, which has been empowered by the aforementioned framework.  This year’s presentation will delve into the constructs and nuances of applying and leveraging DE&I principles, which will manifest a dynamic interaction between the presenter and participants to share best practices and lessons learned on this noteworthy topic.    

Q: Why do you attend GSX? 

A: GSX continues to be the annual flagship event for security management professionals throughout the world.  GSX not only provides cutting-edge presentations on several paramount topics within the public and private sectors, but it also serves as a venue for attendees to connect with a myriad of vendors within the industry whose products can truly become force multipliers in advancing an organization’s resources, assets, and technological capabilities to achieve mission goals.  Personally, I am a firm believer in the power of networking especially within our particular profession.  As a prior ASIS Council and Community Chair, there is priceless value in attending GSX where I not only connect with colleagues within the public and private sectors, but I also have the opportunity to create new connections with those who share the same shared goal of advancing safety and security programs in the truly dynamic environment that we live in today.  All in all, ASIS International continues to be the “Gold Standard” within the security management profession.  Year-after-year, GSX attendees truly bring added value to their organizations in light of the information shared and provided during these annual events that bring presenters and attendees from across the globe.